348 models allows for 1,740 power configurations
Sorensen SGX 40x375 Stability at 100A for 8 hours
Current Stability = ±4.9ppm Programming Accuracy = 0.3ppm (0.00003%) 46 models allows for 184 power configurations
N8760A stability at 34 amps for 4 hrs
Current Stability = ±4.1ppm Programming Accuracy = 0.6ppm (0.00006%) |
97 models allows for 485 power configurations
PAT-40-200T stability at 100A for 8 hrs
Current Stability = ±3.9ppm Programming Accuracy = 1.4ppm (0.00014%) 144 models in 576 different power configurations
"The APS Upgrade power supplies evaluating a voltage-regulated commercial power supply with external current regulation loop: the test sample, a TDK-Lambda Genesys power supply with a BiRa controller, have shown excellent stability of a few parts per million of the full scale."
- APS-U Power Supply Group |
BiRa Systems welcomes the opportunities to work in collaborations with High Energy Physics Labs and medical cancer treatment centers. We support research and innovation by producing custom hardware and bringing cutting edge technology to new markets.